Predictable Propane & Heating Oil Bills

Sign Up for Our Easy Pay Program

home fuel prices massachusettsMany of us are being tested financially. Just about everywhere you look, prices are on the rise. We’re paying more at the gas station and the grocery store. It’s costing us more to provide basic necessities for our families. In fact, most American households are paying significantly more a month on expenses as compared to a year ago.

W.H. Riley knows the financial pressure and stress you may be under. And so we offer our customers a way to stay in control of the propane and heating oil costs for their New England homes. With our Easy Pay program, you’ll have predictable fuel bills and can take the sticker shock out of at least one of your household expenses.

Our Easy Pay Program

Keeping a handle on your budget is particularly challenging when the price of everything keeps changing. And lately, the price of just about everything seems to be changing by getting more expensive. Heating oil and propane are no different. The cost of both fuels is affected by a few factors—most of which are beyond our control. And we’ve seen some sharp increases in fuel costs over the last year.

However, you can still have some control over your fuel costs and keep them predictable and affordable. Simply sign up for W.H. Riley’s Easy Pay program. And now is a great time to join. Our plan runs from September through July.

With summer now in full swing, winter and heating costs may be the furthest thing from your mind, but they shouldn’t be. Your fuel usage tends to increase in the colder months, and so does the price of fuel (largely due to supply and demand). But just because your usage increases or the cost of fuel increases doesn’t mean you bills need to shoot up. There’s a way to pay the same amount for your fuel all year long. Simply sign up for our Easy Pay program now so you reap the benefit this winter. Even in high usage months when you may need more than one fuel delivery, your bill won’t change.

Sound too good to be true? It isn’t. Here’s how it works: We estimate your total yearly fuel usage. Then we divide that into 11 equal payments. That means you’ll know exactly what your fuel bill will be each and every month all year long. How many of your other bills can you say that about?

Easy Pay is available to both our heating oil and propane customers. Plus, your Easy Pay payments can include the cost of our Security Blanket service plan. Receiving regular service for your heating equipment ensures that it’s running as efficiently as possible, and that keeps your fuel costs as low as possible.

Service You Can Count on

W.H. Riley & Son has been meeting the fuel needs of our southeastern Massachusetts customers since 1873. Click here to see if your neighborhood is in our service area.

Contact us today to learn more or to sign up for Easy Pay.