Eight Smart Ways To Save Money This Summer

summer money savings massachusettsWith a hot one expected this summer here in the Northeast, your air conditioner will be working overtime – and your energy bills will show it.

Want to keep those cooling bills as low as possible in the coming months? Try these tips:

  1. Set your thermostat. Used properly, a programmable thermostat could help you save 10 percent on cooling (and heating) costs – often enough to offset the cost of the unit in a single year.
  2. Use your ceiling fan. Running a ceiling fan in tandem with your home cooling system will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about three or four degrees without affecting your comfort; each degree you raise temperatures in your home will save you between one and three percent on your bill.
  3. Minimize your use of heat-producing appliances. The last thing you want to do on a 100-degree day is turn on a 400-degree oven, giving your air conditioner one more cooling load obstacle to overcome. Grill outside when you can.
  4. Re-think your windows. Up to 30 percent of the unwanted heat in your home comes through the windows, so it’s a good idea to pay attention to your window treatments and how you use them. Check out this link from the U.S. Department of Energy for some window attachment tips.
  5. Check air filters regularly.  A blocked air filter will reduce airflow from your home cooling system. That will make your home less comfortable and cause your cooling system to overwork, leading to poorer performance and higher cooling bills.
  6. Consider professional duct sealing. As much as 20 percent of the air you paid to cool (or heat) could be escaping from leaky ductwork before it ever reaches your living space. Conduct a visual inspection of your ductwork where possible to rule out any obvious problems, and consider having them professionally inspected to rule out leaks elsewhere in the system.
  7. Maintain your equipment. Without regular maintenance, your air conditioner will lose an average of about five percent efficiency each year. Of course, efficiency improvements aren’t the only benefit of servicing your equipment: you’ll also get more reliable system operation, avoid costly repairs, and extend the life of your equipment.
  8. Replace old cooling equipment. Upgrading to a high efficiency central or ductless A/C unit could save you up 30 percent on energy bills compared to older cooling systems. If your cooling system is older than 10 years and has been serviced two or more times in recent years, it’s time to shop for a replacement.

Need more ideas about lowering the cost of your home comfort? We can help! Contact the efficiency pros at W.H. Riley & Son to learn more about air conditioning maintenance and air conditioning installations in southeastern MA.