Bioheat® 101

more about bioheat massachusettsIf you use heating oil to heat your Massachusetts home, chances are you’ve at least heard of Bioheat® Fuel. But how much do you really know about this great fuel, and how does it differ from conventional “No.2” home heating oil?

Let’s take a look.

Bioheat® Basics

Bioheat® is a blended fuel made by mixing ultra-low sulfur heating oil (ULSHO) with biodiesel – a renewable energy resource made in America from soy and other vegetable oils, animal fats, recycled restaurant oils and other natural sources.  Typical blends range from two to twenty percent biodiesel per gallon (the blend percentage is indicated by the “B” number in the fuel name: B5 is five percent biodiesel, for example).

In most cases, Bioheat® can be used in conventional oil-fired heating systems without modification – in fact, if you’re a W.H. Riley customer, you’re already using it!

Fuel Cost Differences

The per-gallon difference in cost between Bioheat® and No. 2 heating oil is slim, with Bioheat® typically being pennies more per gallon or less. But price per gallon doesn’t tell the full story when it comes to long-term value: when you consider the total cost of the two fuels, Bioheat® comes out on top by a substantial margin. Why? Because Bioheat® burns cleaner, your equipment efficiency will improve, you won’t need as much maintenance, and your appliances will last longer.

Green Benefits Of Bioheat®

If eco-performance and protecting the planet means a lot to you, you’re in luck: by using Bioheat®, you won’t just save wear and tear on your heating equipment – you’ll also shrink your carbon footprint.

That’s because every gallon of Bioheat® you use reduces airborne emissions compared to using other sources of home heating, including coal-generated electricity and conventional No. 2 heating oil. Here are six pollutants potentially produced by heating your home – and every one of them is reduced by using Bioheat® rather than other energy sources:

  • Sulfur oxides (especially sulfur dioxide, or SO2) – 80 percent reduction vs. No. 2 heating oil
  • Nitrogen oxides (especially nitrogen dioxide, or NO2) – 20-30 percent reduction vs. No. 2 heating oil
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) – 20 percent reduction vs. No. 2 heating oil
  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Particulate matter emissions (particulates)

By extending the life of heating equipment, fewer furnaces and boilers will find their way into the landfill – another Bioheat® environmental benefit.

The Bottom Line With Bioheat®

As you can see, Bioheat® is a great choice for heating your home in an environmentally responsible way– so great, in fact, that residential Bioheat®® fuel-fired heating equipment is not even regulated under the Federal Clean Air Act.

Looking to learn more about Bioheat®? We can help! Contact W.H. Riley & Son today to learn more about Bioheat® deliveries in southeastern MA!