How Can Propane Save Money For My Business?

business savings with propane massachusetts

If you read this blog in the past, you probably already know that we’re big fans of propane – one of the most versatile ways to power equipment for your home or business. But propane’s versatility wouldn’t matter much if it didn’t also do its job really well.

Propane burns hot, and it burns clean – a combination that can push well-designed residential and commercial appliances to achieve efficiency ratings that reach well into the 90s (some propane water heaters and propane furnaces reach as high as 98 percent efficiency!).

Propane Office Systems

With that kind of energy use performance, opting for propane is a great way to improve the bang-for-your-buck factor in just about every one of your office systems, including:

  • Furnaces – A propane gas furnace heats air to about 130 – 140 degrees, working intensely for short bursts to minimize operating costs. By contrast, electric heat pumps produce air that feels cool to the touch; on cold New England days and nights, a heat pump relies on its onboard electric heat backup to keep pace with the weather. Once that backup system kicks in, the most compelling selling point of a heat pump – its efficiency – goes out the window (literally!). For colder weather areas like ours, propane wins again.
  • Space heaters – High-efficiency propane space heaters send targeted, high-efficiency zone heating to the most used rooms in your living space, you won’t have to rely as much on your primary furnace or boiler.
  • Water heating – A propane water heater can deliver hot water at 40 percent the cost of an electric water heater – or even less if you use a tankless system.

Propane: great for your commercial operations, too

Propane is not just for offices, either. In factories and warehouses, propane forklifts can operate indoors and out, while landscapers and golf course maintenance crews can use propane to power their commercial mowers and landscaping equipment. Restaurants and commercial kitchens can use propane to cook quality food in large quantities – and if you’re a fleet manager, you probably already know the many advantages of propane autogas over gasoline and other alternative fuels.

The bottom line

When it comes to efficiently powering your office appliances and commercial equipment, propane takes things up a notch in nearly every application, especially when compared to electricity – which means lower bills and more comfort for you.

Thinking about adding a propane-powered appliance to your commercial space or operations? We can help! Contact W.H. Riley & Son today to learn about your commercial propane and propane delivery options, or to get a FREE, no obligation estimate on commercial propane equipment installations in southeastern MA and northern RI!