Proper Humidity Levels: A Key To Lower Bills And Healthy Indoor Air

home humidity levels massachusetts

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the average American household has electric bills that are 30 percent higher than they should be, with air that’s less comfortable than it could be. One of the most important factors affecting both of these issues is the humidity level in your house.

The importance of proper humidity

While turning down the thermostat on your central air conditioner may decrease the temperature of your home in the summer, it may not make you feel cool if the air is too humid.

Dropping indoor humidity levels in the summer (or raising them in the winter) will help you keep the thermostat a few degrees higher (or lower). That may not seem like much, but consider this: for every degree you raise the temperature in your home, you can save up to three percent on your cooling bill. With properly humidified air (40 to 50 percent in the summer, 25-40 percent in the winter), you can raise the temperature by several degrees without feeling any less comfortable – meaning you could save as much as 10 percent on your cooling bill.

Of course, higher bills aren’t the only problems caused by too-humid indoor air. Other potential problems include:

  • Poor sleep quality
  • Worsening respiratory issues
  • Stuck doors and windows
  • More dust and dust mites
  • Wilted plants
  • Peeling paint or wallpaper

In other words, indoor humidity can cost you – in more ways than one.

Tips for managing indoor humidity

Need to tame humidity in your Rhode Island or southeastern Massachusetts home? Try these tips:

  1. Use and maintain your home cooling system, closing doors and windows to keep humid outdoor air away from your living space
  2. Change air conditioner filters regularly
  3. Fix leaky pipes and faucets quickly
  4. Keep surface areas dry
  5. Use ceiling fans to help with air circulation
  6. Air-dry clothes or make sure dryer is vented outdoors
  7. Weather-strip doors and windows to keep outdoor air away
  8. Keep interior doors open to increase ventilation
  9. Run the dishwasher at night
  10. Use bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans
  11. Decorate with humidity-absorbing plants like Boston fern or English ivy
  12. Consider installing a whole-house dehumidifier

Keep humidity levels under control this summer with expert A/C maintenance in northern RI and southeastern MA from the pros at W.H. Riley & Son. If your air conditioner no longer keeps you cool and comfortable, considering installing a new cooling system – contact us to learn more and get a FREE, no obligation estimate!