Why Is It Important To Keep Fuel In Your Oil Tank During The Offseason?

fuel storage in offseason massachusetts

Scheduling a heating oil delivery might not seem like the most sensible thing to do as we head into June here in Rhode Island and Massachusetts – but if your tank is less than half full, it might just be the smartest thing you can do for your home heating system.

You don’t want to be low on fuel in the offseason. Here’s why:

That’s because a mostly empty steel heating oil tank is more likely to accumulate condensation (water) on its interior walls during the offseason than one that is more than half full of fuel. Condensation creates two problems for your heating oil tank: first, it encourages bacteria to grow inside your fuel, which it will eventually turn into a thick sludge that will jam your fuel lines and wreak havoc on your heating equipment. Second, water – which is heavier than oil – will sink to the bottom of your tank where it will speed corrosion, causing leaks and a possible tank failure that you won’t see coming until it’s too late.

The takeaway here: Condensation is bad news for your heating oil tank, but you can avoid (or at least minimize) it by keeping your heating oil tank at least half full during the offseason. Filling your tank with oil now could be a good way to save some money, too, since heating oil prices are often at their lowest during periods when demand for fuel is minimal.

Need an offseason heating oil delivery in northern RI and southeastern MA? Contact us and become a W.H. Riley & Son customer today. If you’re an existing W.H. Riley customer, contact us for delivery.

If your oil tank is 25 years or older, it could be time to replace it. There is currently a limited-time rebate of $200 available for Massachusetts residents who install a new oil storage tank – while we do not perform the installation ourselves, we can recommend contractors who do. Contact us for details.

Please note: At W.H. Riley & Son, your safety and comfort are always our priority. Please see our COVID-19 Service Update Page to learn more about how we are working to keep your family and our crews safe and your propane and heating oil deliveries coming during this challenging time.