Do You Actually Own Your Propane Tank?

owning propane tank massechusetts

If you have recently purchased a home that has a propane tank, but haven’t yet scheduled a propane delivery, you may be in for a surprise when you attempt to place your first order.

Here’s why: If the propane tank on your property was leased (and not owned) by your home’s previous owners, that lease carries over to you. That means that the propane supplier owns the tank, not you – and because of that, no company other than that supplier can fill it (this is standard practice in the industry).

Of course, if the previous owners did own the tank, there’s a good chance ownership was transferred to you in the sale of the house. Check your legal paperwork!

Further tips on finding out if you own your propane tank

  • Look for logos – Most leased tanks have a logo somewhere on the tank; if you find one, contact the company and ask to confirm the lease. It is possible the company owned the tank at one point but sold it to the customer.
  • Ask your realtor – If all else fails, try your realtor. He or she might be able to help you track down ownership information about the tank.

Scheduling your first propane delivery

Once you have confirmed that you own your propane tank, or that W.H. Riley & Son is your propane gas provider, we will be happy to set up an account and schedule your first propane delivery; as always, you’ll get a FREE pressure and leak test with your first delivery –followed by many years of reliable propane deliveries in northern Rhode Island or southeastern MA.

Have questions about a propane tank lease or propane tank ownership? The experts at W.H. Riley & Son can help. Whether you are a new homeowner or just looking to change propane companies, we’ll help you find a solution that works for you. Contact us today to learn more.

Please note: At W.H. Riley & Son, your safety and comfort are always our priority. Please see our COVID-19 Service Update Page to learn more about how we are working to keep your family and our crews safe and your propane deliveries coming during this challenging time.