Cold Temperatures Are Looming

The weather may be warm now but you know cold temperatures are looming. Here are some tips from the experienced technicians at W.H. Riley & Son to help you get through the winter:

  • Have your heating system inspected and tuned up by the trained technicians at W.H. Riley. Many heating issues go undetected, so having your system inspected annually by a professional ensures they are caught before they become a problem.
  • Keep the area around your furnace or boiler as clear as possible. The reason for this is more than just to allow the technician easy access. Heating systems require oxygen, and having odds and ends piled around them hinders them from operating efficiently.
  • Keep any ventilation pipes from heating systems or dryers free from dust. And make sure a heavy snowfall doesn’t pile up and prevent ventilation.
  • After a snowstorm, be sure fuel delivery drivers have safe access to fill pipes and tanks outside your home.
  • Check occasionally for wet spots under an oil tank or odor near a propane tank. If there is, call W.H. Riley.
  • Check your carbon monoxide detectors. They are vital to keeping you safe when your system is operating.
  • If you have no heat or hot water, check first on the most obvious causes: Is the emergency switch on? Has a circuit breaker been tripped? Is there fuel in the tank? If that’s not the problem, then call for a W.H. Riley technician.

If you have questions about heating fuels and services, please contact us at 508-699-4651, 508-822-1282, or visit our website,