Is Ductless AC Right For My Home?

In this day and age, there are multiple choices when it comes to the type of air conditioning that you can use to keep you cool on a hot summer day in your home and/or business. Those options often include central air conditioning and window air conditioning units. Another option is ductless air conditioning (otherwise known as a mini-split system). Deciding between types of air conditioning systems is sometimes a choice that a home or business owner has to make. So how do you know if ductless AC is the right choice to you?

Air Conditioning Without Ductwork

If you own a home that does not have built-in ductwork, a ductless air conditioning system is a great alternative to window air conditioners. There are two parts of a ductless air conditioning system (the indoor air handler and the outdoor condenser or heat pump) that connect, via a small pipe, to a house’s outer wall. Each condenser has capacity for up to four air handlers, which creates multiple different cooling zones within a space.

This is different than central air conditioning, which works alongside an air handler fan or furnace. Central air conditioning actually removes heat from warm air that has already found its way inside through the duct work.

Why Choose Ductless Home Cooling?

W.H. Riley & Son recommends upgrading from window unit air conditioners to a mini-split system. This switch will keep you cool and comfortable and is the best bang for your buck. But the benefits don’t end there. Ductless air conditioners:

  • Are easy to install: Typically, you only need about a day to get a mini-split system up and running. Plus, all you need is access to an external wall for installation.
  • Are good for the environment: Since ductless air conditioners use less electricity than central air conditioning systems and window air conditioners they are considered an environmentally friendly choice.
  • Decrease the chances of mold: There is a chance that mold and other various microorganisms will appear with air conditioners that use ductwork due to the combination of cold air and condensation. Ductless air conditioners decrease your chances of anything like this happening, which means the air that you breathe is cleaner and healthier.
  • Are efficient: Air conditioners are required to have a SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating of 14, which is what a standard window AC unit is rated at. Most ductless air conditioners have a rating of at least 20, if not more, which makes them highly efficient.
  • Make sense financially: As mentioned, a ductless air conditioning system is the best bang for your buck. Thanks to how efficiently they run, fewer resources are used as they cool down a home or office space. And when you use fewer resources, you end up spending less money.

If you’re considering a ductless air conditioning system and are located in the southeastern Massachusetts area, W.H. Riley & Son can help. Contact us today to learn more about our air conditioning installation and maintenance.