Should I Repair or Replace My AC Unit?

When It Makes Sense to Upgrade

central air installation massachusettsSummer in southeastern Massachusetts means BBQ’s and lobster rolls, flip-flops and tee-shirts, and beating the heat in the comfortable cool of your home thanks to your AC system. If there’s a chance your AC won’t be able to handle the heat this summer, now is the time to take action and get it repaired or replaced. Not sure which is the right choice? There are some things to think through.

Is It Time to Replace Your AC?

If you’re trying to decide whether you should repair or replace your central air-conditioning system, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • How old is it? Once an AC system is around 12 to 15 years old, replacement makes sense. A new system will be significantly more efficient. So much so, that you could save hundreds of dollars on your energy bills in just one summer once you upgrade.
  • How much will repairs cost? Whenever the cost of repairs is at least 50% the cost of replacement, then replacement is a good investment.
  • What’s your maintenance track record? If your air conditioning system has received regular professional maintenance, it will last longer and need fewer repairs. It will also run more efficiently. One of our technicians will be able to tell you if the next round of repairs is worth it or if it’s time to upgrade. Eventually, all AC systems need to be replaced. Don’t wait until yours breaks down completely.

Your AC Installation Company

If it’s time to upgrade, come to W.H. Riley & Son. We’re one of the region’s leading air conditioning providers. One of our trained and certified technicians will put their knowledge and experience to work for you so that you get the right system for your home. Then we’ll handle every part of the installation so that you can keep it cool at home as soon as possible.

Professional AC Maintenance

Whether you stick with the AC system you have or invest in a new one, the best way to keep your air conditioning system running smoothly is to make sure that it receives professional maintenance at least once a year.

W.H. Riley & Son provides thorough AC maintenance. We’ll carefully inspect every component of your AC system for wear and tear and other problems. We also make sure all moving parts are fully lubricated and that there is sufficient refrigerant. In short, we make sure that your AC is in good shape and operating at maximum efficiency.

Service You Can Count On

At W.H. Riley & Son we provide our southeastern Massachusetts customers with exceptional customer service. Click here to see if your home is in our service area.

Contact us today to learn more about how W.H. Riley & Son can help you stay cool this summer.