Don’t Buy an Electric-Powered House!

The Advantages of a Home Powered by Heating Oil or Propane

alternative home power massachusettsYou’ve probably already heard a lot of talk about the electrification movement—the push to use only electric-powered equipment in homes. In fact, a lot of municipalities are trying to bring about the complete electrification of their homes. As someone looking to buy a home in southeastern Massachusetts, you might be tempted to choose an electric-powered home over one that uses heating oil or propane. However, even though electricity gets a lot of buzz, there are a number of reasons to choose a home powered by propane or heating oil.

Heating Oil or Propane vs Electricity

Here are a few things to consider when comparing a home that uses heating oil or propane to one that only uses electricity:

  1. Power outages are becoming more and more common. America’s electric grid is imperfect and can’t always be counted on, especially in the aftermath of extreme weather. If you depend on electricity to keep you warm, what will you do when a massive storm leaves your Massachusetts neighborhood in the dark? You want to have a source of heat that you can rely on no matter what. With heating oil or propane, you have that assurance.
  2. A boiler or furnace powered by heating oil or propane is more practical than an electric heat pump in places like New England. Electric heat pumps become noticeably less effective when the outside temperature gets close to freezing. Compared to a system powered by heating oil or propane, an electric heat pump simply won’t warm a Massachusetts home as effectively during the long, cold New England winter.
  3. If the home you want to purchase isn’t move-in ready or may need a new heating system soon, consider this: Installing a heat pump is extremely expensive. On average, a new heat pump costs $20,000. However, you can purchase a new, highly efficient boiler or furnace for less than half that amount and still reduce your carbon footprint.

Other Propane Advantages vs Electricity

Here are a few things to consider when comparing a home that uses propane appliances to one that uses electric appliances:

  1. Appliances that run on propane are extremely efficient and so cost less to run. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save $174 each year just by using a propane water heater instead of an electric one. Propane water heaters can cost anywhere between 30%-50% less to operate than their electric counterparts.
  2. In the event of extreme weather, your access to propane won’t be affected. The electric company can’t make the same promise.
  3. Propane water heaters work faster than electric water heaters. In fact, a propane water heater can produce twice as much hot water in the same amount of time. Propane clothes dryers work 25% faster than electric dryers and cause less static. That adds up to increased longevity for your clothes. Additionally, propane space heaters are significantly more efficient than electric heaters.

Consider This

Propane and heating oil have their advantages, and electricity isn’t as green as most people think. Because most of America’s electricity supply comes from coal-burning power plants, electricity is the second-largest greenhouse gas source in our country (second only to transportation). You don’t want your new home to add to that number.

Choose Your Next Home Wisely

Now that you know the benefits to having a house that uses heating oil or propane, you can make a more informed decision when choosing your new home. And once you’re moved in and need propane or heating oil delivered, know that you can count on W.H. Riley & Son for all your fuel needs. Click here to see if your prospective home is in our service area.

Contact W.H. Riley & Son today to learn more about propane delivery or heating oil delivery in southeastern Massachusetts. We also install and service boilers, furnaces, water heaters, and can provide propane and piping to run all your propane appliances.