Emergency Heating and Cooling Service From W.H. Riley

Emergency heating and cooling service southeast massachusetts northern rhode island

With temperatures transitioning and the coronavirus potentially keeping us indoors more than usual in the coming weeks, having a reliable heating and cooling system becomes crucial to maintaining our comfort at home.

If your HVAC equipment is having trouble and you fear you may need to repair or replace it, don’t worry: W.H. Riley & Son is there for you with Emergency Service during this challenging time.

If you’re not sure what course to take, here are some repair vs. replace guidelines for your HVAC equipment (heating or cooling):

Repair your HVAC equipment if:

  • Your system is less than 10 years old
  • It can be fixed with a reasonable hope that there won’t be further issues
  • Your equipment is properly sized for your home
  • The problems are minor (smaller electrical issues, minor ductwork repairs, blocked drain lines, etc.)
  • Repair costs are 25 percent of the cost of replacement or less
  • Your monthly energy bills have risen by less than 10 percent since last year
  • Your system has been repaired less than twice over the last decade

Replace your HVAC equipment if:

  • Your system is 10 years old or older
  • Damage is severe (blown compressor, damaged condenser coils, etc.)
  • You system is undersized for your home (for example, if you’ve built a house addition since installing it)
  • The repair costs more than 25 percent of replacement costs (especially on older equipment)
  • Your monthly energy bills have gone up by more than 10 percent since last year
  • Your system has been repaired more than twice over the last decade

At W.H. Riley & Son, your safety and comfort are always our priority. Please see our Covid-19 Service Update Page to learn more about how we are working to keep our crews and your home comfort systems working through this challenging time. Contact us today to schedule A/C or heating emergency service in northern RI or southern MA from the pros at W.H. Riley.