Heating Your Home or Business — THE CHOICE SHOULD BE YOURS — Click here to read more.


July 25, 2019

We have a long tradition of service to local families. Since our founding in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, in 1873, W.H. Riley & Son has taken a customer-first approach to serving our many friends and neighbors––and now is no exception. Our brand-new blog and website are designed with you in mind. They help us deliver more information […]

Cold Temperatures Are Looming

July 2, 2019

The weather may be warm now but you know cold temperatures are looming. Here are some tips from the experienced technicians at W.H. Riley & Son to help you get through the winter: Have your heating system inspected and tuned up by the trained technicians at W.H. Riley. Many heating issues go undetected, so having […]

It Won’t Be Long Now!

July 2, 2019

It’s hard to believe now, with the weather so warm. But it won’t be long before you’re going need heat. And when you do, you want your heating system to operate – and operate efficiently. That’s why now is the best time to schedule a tune-up, before the autumn chill arrives. Tune-ups (sometimes called “system […]

Plumbing Service

Plumbing Service

July 2, 2019

When William H. Riley and his son Elmer launched W.H. Riley & Son nearly 150 years ago, the focus was on heating homes in Southeastern Massachusetts. In those days, it was with coal and wood. Over the years, however, W.H. Riley also provided other services, including construction and hauling materials. Today, keeping your home warm […]

W.H. Riley & Son has been around a long time.

July 2, 2019

W.H. Riley has been around a long time. How long might you ask? Well in the year W.H. Riley was founded… Ulysses S. Grant was sworn in to his second term as President. Levi Strauss & Co. first began manufacturing jeans. New York’s Central Park was officially completed. Jesse James and his gang pulled off […]

Bioheat. What’s it all about

Bioheat. What’s it all about?

July 2, 2019

The common belief is that heating oil is not environmentally friendly. But thanks to advancements in recent years, heating oil is a much “cleaner” product than in the past. One of the biggest transitions in heating oil in recent years has been the move toward ultra-low sulfur heating oil. Bioheat is a blend of ultra-low […]